MusaHippa Spring 2023


Welcome to our new concept for kids combining Music & Creative movement in the same class!

For the third consecutive year, our Art Zenter Academy and Espoo Helmet libraries are running MUSAHIPPA PROGRAM!

This is a fun and educational program for kids completely free at the Helmet libraries where Music, from an educational musician, Lauri Iljin, and Movement, from a mover and martial artist…me, are combined in an original and unique way developing in the participants their creativity, coordination, social skills, self-confidence and much more!

The program is totally FREE!
Every Tuesday
From 15.00 to 16.00
At Entresse library (jukeboksi sale)
Address: siltakatu, 11 (Espoo center).

The program is from Tuesday 24.1.2023 until 16.5.2023, running every Tuesday (except 31.1.2023, 28.2.2023, and 7.3.2023).

There is no need for previous registrations or music or specific movement background.

Limit age recommended from 7 years old onwards.

Contact us for more info or visit the next info links:

* Entresse library website event info:

See you soon!