From Art Zenter Academy team, we are really happy to share with you that our services continue improving and growing up, so we now offer birthdays parties celebrations.

Sini Vanhatalo and David Muñoz, will lead your children’s birthday party with super fun activities for 45 minutes. Parkour, color Jedi Light sabers, ninja games with martial arts basement, meditation…and many different games and movement, in general, will do this celebration an unforgettable day for your children and his/her friends. At the same time, all our games, exercises, and movements have specific goals, like improving coordination, focus, balance, social skills, psychomotor, or patience among other benefits.

If you decide to celebrate the party at our premises in Art Zenter Academy, let us tell you that you are doing a great decision since, you will find our studio a very cozy and clean place, full equipped (check here for more info about Art Zenter Academy), where your party will be very exclusive in a safe atmosphere. Another benefit that AZA brings to your children’s celebrations is that we have a lot of fun toys and movement tools for use at the party.
For birthdays parties, the minimum renting time of AZA is 3 hours, where you can include, at any time you decide, the 45 minutes program of the coaches, Sini and David, with the possibility to adapt the Elämän Hippa program to your specific requirements, for doing more personal your children’s special day.
Contact us for more information and booking the party day.
Check here our AZA prices.
AZA Copyright 2020