Fátima Galiana

Fátima Galiana

Yogacharya Prem Jyoti (Fátima Galiana) had just finished her studies in Cognitive Science and Language when she discovered Shri Vivek Yoga. She felt those classes were a space for self-awareness and exploration; they went beyond yoga postures and we are offering tools to better understand her mind, feelings, and the circumstances she was living in.

Prem Jyoti did her Shri Vivek Yoga Coach and Prana Chikitsa Ayurvedic Massage training with her teacher Yogi Jivan Vismay, a direct disciple of living yoga master Shri Guruji Swami Vivekananda, at the Shri Vivek Center (Barcelona) and Nirpeksh Sannyas Ashram (India) (2007-2011).

Together with Dr. Manjari Tripathi and his team, Prem Jyoti designed a research project on the effects of Yoga (Shri Vivek) in people with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (prodromal phase of Alzheimer’s) at the All India Institute of Medicine (New Delhi).

Prem Jyoti has shared Shri Vivek Yoga teachings in Spain, Canada, and the USA. Currently, she is teaching Shri Vivek Yoga in Finland by offering regular yoga and meditation classes, workshops, as well as Ayurvedic massage.

You can reach Prem Jyoti by email: premjyoti.jgd@gmail.com

Phone: +358 44 984 1223