Payment details

Payment details

  • We accept cash, bank transfer, Smartum, Edenred, and e-Passi (the payments with these last three options will be increased by the service commission percentage that these payment systems charge).
  • The booking system with the ClassPass platform can be used for a maximum of 3 classes, after that, if the practitioner wants to continue the practice, they will be required to register with Art Zenter Academy for individual payment classes or monthly invoices via email.
  • Bank account info:

Osuuspankki FI89 5790 0920 0546 76

Payments to David Munoz Gonzalez

Message: Full name of the parent and/or student + the activity paid.

  • Payment for Single classes will be made on the training day, in advance, or via email.
  • We will send you the invoice by email with all the info for the payment.
  • Please make your payment during the due time of the invoice to avoid extra fees caused by reminders.
  • Once the invoice is generated and sent, it must be paid with no possibility of canceling, modifying, compensating, or returning money when it is paid.
  • Initially, with isolated exceptions, Art Zenter Academy is not generating half-month invoices in case the student only is not able to attend classes for the full month.
  • Any invoice cancelations must be announced via email at at least 15 days before the invoice is generated. In the case of the monthly fees, the cancelations must be done before the 15th of each month to avoid receiving the next month’s invoice.
  • IMPORTANT NOTES about PRIVATE TRAINING, CAMPS, SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS or SPECIAL CLASSES organized by Art Zenter Academy: Usually we have limited spots indoors due to the size of the premises so registration is required to be done in advance at The invoice will be sent via email 48 hours before the workshop. Please notice that the workshop registration fee, for those who enroll in the last 48 hours, will increase 25 %. Last 24 hours cancellations will be charged the 100 % of the event. Last 48 hours cancellations will be charged the 50 % of the event.

Thank you very much for following the above payment instructions.