KM LSA: Kali Majapahit Light Saber Academy for kids and families

Welcome to the very first LIGHT SABER INITIATED COURSE FOR KIDS & FAMILIES every Monday from 18 to 18.50 during September 2022 at Art Zenter Academy.

Join us on the Mondays of September 2022 to have tons of fun with this new program of Light Sabers. Have an awesome experience and quality time with your kids learning how to become a “real Star Wars Jedi” with our Padawan program!

This program is highly recommended not only to get a lot of fun but to improve coordination, reflexes, mobility in general, focus, and self-confidence among many other benefits that martial arts and movement bring to our lives.

Recommended ages for the children participants from 7 to 10 years old. Parents are very welcome joining to the course (considered as a family member with a 50 % discount on the course price. Check more info below).

The course price for 1 participant during September 2022 is 65 €. Ask for more information and/or registration at and get the benefit of the 50 % discount for the second family member.

For the course, Light Sabers and glasses protection will be offered by Art Zenter Academy. Only needed sports clothes and a water bottle.

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Check here for more information about the founders of the KM LSA program in Greenville (US)

May the force be with you and see you soon!